NURS 407 Professional Role Enactment

This course serves as an opportunity for professional nursing enactment. An integration of transcultural awareness will be made through patterns of knowing in critical thinking, creativity, empathy, and personal expression. Students will have an opportunity to explore the complexities of healthcare and interdisciplinary team concepts while providing optimal care with specific application to the enactment of the professional role of nursing. This course explores current issues and trends that impact the professional nursing role. The focus will be on global, legal, and ethical principles that guide health care policies with specific application to nursing while developing a mindset that facilitates positive change and incorporates evidence based clinical practices into current health care strategies. Students will have an opportunity to explore current health care delivery systems with particular emphasis on high-risk groups and the underserved community. A grade of "C" or higher is required for this course.




NURS 311, NURS 312 and NURS 313.