Transfer of Credits from Other Institutions

  1. To fulfill residency requirements, 35 of the last 70 hours and at least 25% of total hours applied toward a degree must be earned at Christian Brothers University. See school or department requirements for any further restriction on courses in the major area.
  2. For optional minor, 50% of required courses must be taken at Christian Brothers University.
  3. Only courses with grades of “C” or better (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) will be accepted for transfer from other accredited institutions.
  4. Only the hours of credit in accepted courses will be posted on the student’s permanent record with no grade point average transferring from other institutions.
  5. Permission to take any courses off-campus must receive the prior approval of the student’s Department Chair, Dean of the School, and the Associate Registrar. (Courses cannot be completed off-campus if they were previously attempted at CBU, including withdrawal.)
  6. Credits earned during a period of suspension from any college or university are not transferable to CBU.
  7. Waiver to any of these requirements must be made through the Vice President of Academics & Student Life.
  8. Technology intensive courses that are over seven (7) years old are subject to review and may not be applicable towards the major; however, such courses may be used as free electives in the overall program.