CHEM 439 Astrophysical Chemistry

Astronomy is used as the framework upon which to hang many other topics; the student's previous knowledge of chemistry, physics, mathematics, and biology will be reviewed and expanded upon, along with history, philosophy, music, and religion. Topics include an overview of the Universe, the sky and the Earth, the history of astronomy, light and telescopes, origin and evolution of the Solar System, the nature and evolution of stars, including supernovae, neutron stars, pulsars, and black holes, the Milky Way and other galaxies, interstellar molecules, life in the Universe, quasars, and cosmology, including the Big Bang and the expanding Universe. Optional observing sessions included.




CHEM 114, PHYS 150 or PHYS 201, and MATH 129 or MATH 131. Junior standing recommended.


Spring semester of even-numbered years