Requirements for Undergraduate Admission

Christian Brothers University admits students of any race, age, color, sex, religion, and national or ethnic origin.

Freshman Standing: The following qualifications are required of those seeking admission with regular freshman standing:

  1. Graduation from an approved secondary school.
  2. A scholastic average of at least “C” and rank in the upper 2/3 of the graduating class.
  3. Satisfactory scores on the American College Testing Program (ACT) or on the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) of the College Entrance Examination Board.
Statistics for the 2018 freshman class were the following: For those students who reported data, 61 percent ranked in the upper 25 percent of their high school class,  94 percent attained a cumulative high school grade point average of 3.0 or higher, and 51 percent had an ACT composite score of 24 or higher.

Homeschool Students: The following qualifications are required for homeschooled students seeking admission to CBU.

  1. Graduation from secondary school.
  2. A scholastic average of at least a “C”.
  3. Satisfactory scores on the American College Testing Program (ACT) or the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) of the College Entrance Examination.
  4. Course descriptions and listing of curriculum strongly preferred.

Transfer Students: Students who wish to transfer from other colleges will be considered if they are in good standing at the college of last attendance. Transfer students are defined as:
• having earned 23 or fewer hours of college work since high school graduation*, or
• having earned or is in progress with 24 or more semester hours at another institution.
 *Students who have earned 23 hours or fewer of college credits after high school graduation must also provide a final high school transcript along with ACT or SAT scores.

 (See transfer of credit from other institutions.)

International Students: International Students who intend to enter the University must have the equivalent of a high school education and have sufficient command of English to enable them to do the prescribed work. Proof of English proficiency may be shown by means of the TOEFL , IELTS, CAE or CPE exams. Minimum scores are TOEFL (520 for the paper version; 185 for the computer-based test; or 68 for the internet-based test); or IELTS (6.0); or CAE grade of C; or CPE grade of C. Students may use the SAT Critical Reading test prior to March 2016 with a score of at least 450, SAT Reading test after March 2016 with a score of 25, or the ACT English sub score of 21. Students graduating from a U.S. high school or students who have earned a 2.5 or greater in at least 30 semester hours of a U.S. regionally accredited college will also show proof of English proficiency

Adult Students: Students may seek admission to the traditional program or College of Adult Professional Studies. For admissions requirements for the College of Adult Professional Studies, refer to that section of the catalog.

Special Students (non-degree seeking): Qualified applicants who desire to take one or more courses but in general do not intend to earn a degree at Christian Brothers University may be accepted as Special students. Application for admission should be made to the Office of Admissions or the Dean of Adult Professional Studies. Special students may accumulate no more than 36 semester hours of credit at Christian Brothers University. Special students will not be able to have any transfer credit, including challenge exams, granted while classified as special students. Special and Transient students are not eligible for financial aid.

In exceptional circumstances, the Admissions Committee may invite a candidate who does not qualify for degree status to enter the University as a Special Student (non-degree seeking) for a limited period of time. In this time, the student must demonstrate adequate preparation and motivation to pursue the degree program of studies for which he/she has applied.

To seek a change of status to that of a degree-seeking student, a Special student must have completed at least 12 hours of credit at the University and be in good academic standing.

Qualified Special students who wish to pursue a degree must reapply to the Day or Professional Studies programs for a change of status after they have demonstrated their qualifications. Students who are enrolled at another institution and wish to take a course or courses for credit at Christian Brothers University should present official correspondence from that institution to the Office of Admissions or the Adult Professional Studies Office noting good standing and authorization to enroll in specific courses.

Dual Enrollment Students: Christian Brothers University participates in the Tennessee Dual Enrollment program. This program partially funds high school students’ study at eligible postsecondary institutions. Participating students receive college credit and can receive credit toward high school graduation. Students remain enrolled at their current high school and are also enrolled at CBU as a special part time student.

To be eligible to participate in Dual Enrollment you must:

  1. Be a rising Junior or Senior.
  2. Have satisfactory scores on the American College Testing Program (ACT) or the PLAN test if the ACT has not been taken.
  3. Meet the minimum GPA standard.
  4. Enroll in 100 and 200 level courses.
  5. Maintain the minimum grade point requirement of 2.75 in the college coursework (which means the student must achieve a grade of A or B in the course(s) attempted). If the minimum grade point is not achieved, the student will no longer be able to participate in the dual enrollment program.

Admissions Committee: A limited number of entering freshman and transfer students who do not meet the minimum requirements for regular admission may be considered by the Admissions Committee for entrance into the University. If a student is accepted by the Admissions Committee, he/she will be admitted under one of the following conditions:

  1. Accepted with a limitation on the number of hours and/or specific courses that may be attempted during the first semester or two evening terms or
  2. Accepted as a regular student.

The decision of the Admissions Committee may be appealed to the Academic Vice President upon the initiation of the Director of Admissions or the Dean of Adult Professional Studies.