Notice of Non-Discriminatory Policy as to Students

Christian Brothers University admits students of any race, age, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national and ethnic origin, or disability to all the programs and activities of the University with the rights and privileges generally accorded to students. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national and ethnic origin, or disability in its education programs or activities, including employment and admissions.

Title IX Compliance Statement

Christian Brothers University insists that all members of its community shall be able to pursue their interests free of discrimination on the basis of sex, including sexual assault, sexual misconduct, stalking, bullying and other forms of sexual harassment. Anyone can be a victim of sexual harassment or other sexual misconduct, including women, men, and children. Perpetrators of sexual assault may be anyone: a stranger, a recent acquaintance, or someone known for a long time. 

Students, both current and prospective, may report incidents of sexual misconduct, including rape or other forms of sexual assault, to any employee. Only Counseling Center staff members may keep such reports confidential; all other employees—faculty as well as staff—are mandatory reporters to one of the University’s responsible employees. CBU encourages students to report incidents to the Dean of Students/Title IX Coordinator at (901) 321-3254. The office is located in the Rozier Student Life Suite if someone wishes to make a report in person or ask questions. To report a possible violation of this policy when the alleged perpetrator is a faculty or staff member, contact the Director of Human Resources at (901) 321-3474 or the Title IX Coordinator.

All faculty or staff, both current and prospective, should report any incident of sexual assault or sexual misconduct to the Director of Human Resources at (901) 321-3474 or the Title IX Coordinator. If faculty or staff receive a report of sexual misconduct, they should immediately share that information as a mandatory reporter with one of the University’s responsible employees, including the Director of Human Resources or the Dean of Students/Title IX Coordinator.

The full Sexual Misconduct Policy is available here: