MPAS 615 Endocrinology

This course covers the anatomy and physiology of the endocrine organs and the epidemiology, etiology, risk factors, pathogenesis, pathophysiology, complications, and differential diagnoses of commonly encountered endocrine gland diseases and disorders through symptoms-based and systems-based approaches. Emphasis is placed on interviewing and eliciting a medical history, performing a focused physical examination, and ordering and interpreting diagnostic studies to evaluate these diseases and disorders. Management of patients with these diseases and disorders across the life span from initial presentation through follow-up for acute, chronic, and emergent cases will be covered, as will referral when necessary, preventive medicine, and patient education. Associated medical documentation and clinical skills, as appropriate, will be taught. Topics include items such as approach to a patient with endocrine-related symptomatology, diabetes mellitus, and disorders of the hypopituitary-pituitary axis, thyroid, parathyroid, and adrenal glands. Students will learn through an integrated curriculum to include computer-based, lecture-based, and collaborative instructional modalities that will include classroom, laboratory, simulation, group, community, and clinical experiences.
