Challenge Examinations

Students who, by virtue of study or travel abroad, work experience, independent study, advanced work in high school, or study in non-accredited institutions, believe that they might already possess knowledge comparable to that expected in certain courses may receive credit and placement based on acceptable scores of selected Subject Examinations administered by CLEP. If there is no CLEP exam available for a specific course, the student may inquire with the Department Chair over the course to see if a Challenge Exam (a departmentally-administered examination) is permitted. The Department Chair after consultation with the department faculty will make that determination. The fee for taking the examination is $100.00, which is not refundable. There is no additional fee for posting if credit is awarded. No Challenge Exam is allowed for any course which was previously failed either at Christian Brothers University or elsewhere. A student may not retake a Challenge Exam after failure of a previous Challenge Exam in that course. The form for a Challenge Exam must be obtained from the Web page of the Office of the Registrar.