Special Programs

HONORS PROGRAM: The CBU Honors Program is designed to serve the capacities and needs of students with proven academic abilities who seek a more intensive and challenging educational experience. Students accepted into the Honors Program will be allowed to take special topics courses offered to only a limited number of Honors students by a teacher carefully chosen for his or her teaching expertise. These Honors courses will explore important topics in depth, often through a multi-disciplinary approach, and while the pace and the workload will demand self-motivated, self-reliant students, the small size of each Honors class will ensure ample group discussion and individual interaction with the instructor. Honors students earn an Honors Diploma by completing seven honors courses with a grade of “C” or better, including HUM 498, Honors Capstone, graduating with a 3.2 GPA, and participating in the required number of Honors Program activities each semester. Besides taking Honors classes, members of the program will participate in various extracurricular activities, including outings to cultural events and regional Honors conferences. Members of the Honors Program will have the option of living with other Honors Program students in the Honors Living Learning Community (LLC). For further information about the Honors Program, please consult the Honors Program Web page on the university website or contact the Honors Program Director at (901) 321-3357.

ENGINEERING INTERN PROGRAM: At the conclusion of their sophomore year, engineering students may be eligible to apply for a for-credit intern appointment with participating Mid-South industries. Eligibility requirements for each appointment are available in the Engineering School Office.

GREATER MEMPHIS CONSORTIUM AGREEMENT: Christian Brothers University is a charter member of the Greater Memphis Consortium. The other participating colleges include: LeMoyne-Owen College and Memphis Theological Seminary. The courses offered by each member school are open to enrolled full-time students in good standing at one of the consortium institutions on a space available basis for one course per semester (lecture and corresponding lab are considered “one course” provided they meet the prerequisite requirements). Students may register at a “host” school with an approved Greater Memphis Consortium Registration form, a letter of good standing from the Registrar of the student’s “home” school, and a copy of the student’s transcript. The limitation imposed by the American Association of Theological Schools on undergraduates in seminary class is recognized. There is no additional charge to full time students for courses taken at another consortium school except for course/laboratory supplies required specifically for the registered course. Courses taken during summer sessions are not covered by the consortium agreement. To be eligible to take courses at other Memphis colleges under the Consortium, students taking undergraduate courses must have at least twelve (12) hours per semester at CBU to be considered full time; students taking graduate courses must have at least nine (9) hours per semester at CBU to be considered full time. While in some cases students categorized as graduate students may be taking undergraduate courses as prerequisites or for other reasons, at least twelve (12) of these undergraduate hours are required to be taken at CBU in order to be considered full time for Consortium purposes. If a student is taking a mix of undergraduate and graduate courses, at least twelve (12) hours are required in order to be considered full time for Consortium purposes.

RHODES COLLEGE CROSSTOWN AGREEMENT: Through an agreement with Rhodes College, full-time students at Christian Brothers University have the opportunity (on a space-available basis) to enroll in specific language courses taught at Rhodes College, provided that they meet the prerequisite requirements. Students must contact the Dean of the School of Arts, and appropriate forms must be completed prior to the beginning of the semester. Christian Brothers University will provide, on a space-available basis (to be determined by the relevant academic department), opportunities for full-time students at Rhodes College to enroll in certain science, engineering, and education courses. Students may not be "Crosstown" students when Rhodes College offers the required courses and there not any time conflicts within the student's schedule. There is no additional charge to full time (12 - 18 hours) students for courses taken that are covered under this agreement.

RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS: Through an agreement with the Department of Aerospace Studies, The Department of Military Science, and the Department of Naval Science at the University of Memphis, students at Christian Brothers University may enroll in their Air Force Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (AFROTC), the Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (AROTC), or the Naval Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (NROTC) programs. Under the terms of these agreements, first-year students and sophomores may register for AFROTC, AROTC, or NROTC courses at the same time they register for their other courses. Enrollment in either of these two years does not entail any commitment to the Army, Air Force, or Navy, and all uniform items are provided by the University of Memphis where the courses are held. Credit for these courses counts toward the degree being earned at Christian Brothers University. In addition, students are eligible to apply for AFROTC, AROTC, and NROTC scholarships.

STUDY ABROAD PROGRAM: Christian Brothers University views study abroad as a challenging educational and cross-cultural experience. Additionally, research confirms that in today’s global economy, exploring one’s worldview enhances employment opportunities. The purpose of the program is to expose students to the people and cultures of other nations, to provide on-site observation of historical, scientific, economic and cultural phenomena, and to provide opportunities for language study within the cultural context of the target languages. Christian Brothers University maintains affiliation with a select group of study abroad programs in several countries. Students select a study abroad experience, semester or travel study (short trip), in consultation with their Academic Advisor and the Coordinator of Study Abroad. Travel Study trips are open to all students with approval of the Coordinator of Study Abroad. Final approval for semester study abroad comes from the student’s advisor, the Department Chair of the student’s major, and the Coordinator of Study Abroad. Requirements for semester study abroad include:

  1. Sophomore year standing or higher.
  2. Minimum cumulative GPA and major GPA of 2.5.
  3. Brief essay outlining the student’s goals for study abroad.
  4. Any additional requirements of the specific program.

Information may be obtained from the Coordinator of Study Abroad at (901) 321-3246 or studyabroad@cbu.edu.