Cross-Town Dual Degree Program in Engineering with Rhodes College

In this program, a student receives two degrees after five years of study: a Bachelor of Science from Rhodes and a Bachelor of Science in engineering from Christian Brothers University. While at Rhodes the student majors in physics, chemistry, or biochemistry/molecular biology, depending on the course of engineering study to be pursued at CBU. A student completes all Rhodes courses required for this dual degree program in three years and may take select courses at Christian Brothers University during that time. He or she applies to the engineering program at Christian Brothers University during the third year and becomes a full-time CBU student for two additional years. Both degrees are awarded at the completion of the five years of study.

The student must complete each of the following sets of courses to satisfy the Rhodes and CBU portions of the program:


All twelve Rhodes foundation requirements with the following stipulations:

  1. One of the F1 courses should be a philosophy course.
  2. A minimum of 80 credits of the Rhodes BS portion must be fulfilled with Rhodes courses.


  1. Physics 111/111L, 112/112L (Fundamentals of Physics I & II, with lab)
  2. Math 121, 122, 223 (Calculus I-III), Math 251 (Differential Equations)
  3. Chemistry 111/111L (General Chemistry I with lab)

III. The following additional Rhodes courses depending on the Rhodes major and course of engineering study to be pursued at Christian Brothers University. Courses in parentheses are CBU courses that are suitable substitutes for the Rhodes courses and will satisfy the major requirements at Rhodes:

Physics Major / Mechanical Engineering

Physics 211, 250; Physics 304 (or CBU ECE 221- Circuit Analysis I); Physics 305 (or CBU ME 202- Dynamics); Physics 306 (or CBU program option course); Computer Science 141 (or CBU ME 112-Scientific Programming)

Physics Major / Civil Engineering

Physics 211, 211L, 250; Physics 305 (or CBU ME 202- Dynamics);

Physics Major / Electrical Engineering - Electrical Engineering Curriculum

Physics 211, 211L, 250; One upper level physics elective at the 300 level or higher; Physics 406 (or CBU ME 305 - Engineering Thermodynamics I); Computer Science 141 (or CBU ECE 172 - Intermediate Programming and Algorithms)

Chemistry Major / Chemical Engineering- Chemical Engineering Curriculum

Chemistry 112, 112L, 211, 212, 212L, 311, 312, 312L

Biochemistry Molecular Biology / Chemical Engineering- Biochemical Engineering Curriculum

Biology 130, 131L, 140. 141L, 307, 325, 325L; Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 310; Chemistry 112, 112L, 211, 212, 212L, 414

IV. The following CBU courses should be taken during the first three years of the program through the Rhodes-CBU exchange program (the Cross-town agreement), depending on the Rhodes major and course of engineering study to be pursued at Christian Brothers University:

Physics Major / Mechanical Engineering

ME 110 (Introduction to Mechanical Engineering), ME 112 (Scientific Programming), ME 121 (Solids Modeling), ME 201 (Manufacturing Processes), CE 201 (Statics), CE 210 (Mechanics of Materials), ME 305 (Engineering Thermodynamics I), and ME 316 (Engineering Thermodynamics II)

Physics Major / Civil Engineering

CE 110 (Introduction to Civil Engineering), CE 111 (Civil Engineering Graphics), CE 113 (Civil Engineering Analysis), CE 201 (Statics), CE 210 (Mechanics of Materials), CE 212 (Structural Analysis), CE 225/L (Geomatics/Lab), and CE 299/L (Hydraulics/L)

Physics Major / Electrical Engineering - Electrical Engineering Curriculum

ECE 250 (Digital Design), ECE 251/L (Microprocessor Architecture and Programming/L), ECE 221 (Electric Circuit Analysis I), and ECE 222 (Electric Circuit Analysis II)

Chemistry Major or BCMB major / Chemical Engineering - either curriculum

CH E 119 (Fundamentals of Chemical Engineering), CH E 120 (Introduction to Chemical Engineering), CH E 305 (Elementary Thermodynamics), CH E 232 (Material and Energy Balances), CE 201 (Statics), ECE 221 (Electric Circuit Analysis I), and CH E 328 (Material Science)

V. The following courses at Christian Brothers University, depending on the course of engineering study to be pursued, are to be taken during years 4 and 5, after the student has been admitted to the School of Engineering:

Mechanical Engineering

ME 301 (Engineering Instrumentation Laboratory), ME 302 (Energy Systems Laboratory, ME 306 (Heat Transfer), ME 313 (Fluid Mechanics), ME 351 (Fundamentals of Engineering Economy), ME 317 (Kinematics), ME 318 (Dynamics of Machines), ME 400 (The Compleat Engineer), ME 401 (Mechanical Systems Laboratory), ME 407-408 (Senior Project), ME 420 (Machine Design), ME 421 (Thermal Systems Analysis and Design), ME 322 (Control System Engineering), 2 ME electives, 2 MATH electives, 1 program option course

Civil Engineering

CE 251 (Construction Materials), CE 310 (Design of Steel Structures), CE 311 (Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures), CE 313 (Hydrology), CE 351 (Fundamentals of Engineering Economy), CE 329 (Environmental Engineering I), CE 318 (Highway Engineering), CE 322/L (Soil Mechanics/ Lab), CE 340 (Design of Foundations), CE 400 (The Complete Engineer), CE 429 (Environmental Engineering II), CE 431-432 (Senior Design Project), CE 489 (Fundamentals of Civil Engineering Exam), 3 CE electives, 1 program option course

Electrical Engineering

MATH 309 (Probability), CE 201 (Statics), ECE 351 (Fundamentals of Engineering Economy), ECE 322 (Linear Control Systems), ECE 331-332 (Electronics I, II), ECE 335 (Signals and Systems), ECE 331L-332L (Junior Laboratory I, II), ECE 400 (The Compleat Engineer), ECE 406 (Electromagnetic Field Theory), ECE 414-415 (Project I, II), ECE 450 (Computer Networks), ECE 477 (Digital Signal Processing), 1 ECE elective

Chemical Engineering - Chemical Engineering Track

CH E 323 (Fluid Mechanics), CH E 325-326 (Junior Laboratory I, II), CH E 327 (Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics), CH E 351 (Fundamentals of Engineering Economy), CH E 324 (Heat Transfer), CH E 330 (Mass Transfer and Separations), CH E 401-402 (Senior Project), CH E 425-426 (Process Design I, II), CH E 437 (Modeling and Control in Chemical Engineering), CH E 441-442 (Senior Laboratory I, II), CH E 443 (Reactor Design), CH E 444 (Polymeric Materials), 2 program option courses

Chemical Engineering - Biochemical Engineering Track

CH E 351 (Fundamentals of Engineering Economy), CH E 323 (Fluid Mechanics), CH E 324 (Heat Transfer), CH E 325-326 (Junior Laboratory I, II), CH E 327 (Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics), CH E 330 (Mass Transfer and Separations), CH E 401-402 (Senior Project), CH E 425-426 (Process Design I, II), CH E 437 (Modeling and Control in Chemical Engineering), CH E 441-442 (Senior Laboratory I, II), CH E 443 (Reactor Design), CH E 446 (Biochemical Engineering)